Mourning Epiphanies:

Jaye Vee Magpili
1 min readDec 1, 2020

To the books that I didn’t read but my eyes showed craving, please bear to realize that there are words behind the cover page that are worth telling to a 4-year old — there are stories meant to open epiphanies for a child who’s drawn to ask silly questions.

To the lovers that went wrong, never invalidate that you loved them; because you loved them genuinely, our reasons only ran out, but feelings hardly catch up — healing takes time in order for us to love again. You loved, regardless, still.

To my friends I took for granted, I’m sorry; I was toxic.

To the person I love — an em dash — because it’s always your story to make, never ours. Love, regardless, love, regardless, still.

To the self, I hardly appreciate, and love, keep transcending — you are the persona of these ideologies, and the beholder of these feelings — your entirety is valid; you are existential.

To lost epiphanies, we are wandering for a reason, we are the greatest discovery.



Jaye Vee Magpili

It should not mean but be ~ A typewriter for every lost epiphany.